Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Crying over spilt plastic

Oh my lord. So basically, I have had the craziest weekend ever! Friday I am in work 2-10pm, the day starts off as normal. I cringe at my disgusting coloured hair, my dad makes me listen to 'James Morrison' on the way to taking me to work. Same old same old.

After a full week Daniel-less due to having no car (he'd put his beloved Stevie in for a general service), I was tres excited for him to get his car back and pick me up later that night from work. However, mid- medication time at work I get a phone call from him telling me that he had rang the garage and they told him that his car wouldn't be ready and would cost him over £300 to fix all the problems they found! The poor boys car is only worth about £500. So it was looking like Stevie is/was going to be scrapped. Well this little gem of information put a massive ki-bosh on the weekends plan of Liverpool/Joe/Rachael/Vintage Fair-ing/Gobowen-ing/House Warming/Aimee/Simon-ing.


I put the phone down praying that it wouldn't cost that much for him to get insured either on his mum's car or my mum's car.


However, my traumatic evening wasn't over. At roughly 7pm I got a phone call from my Mum telling me that there had been a massive explosion at the factory literally just down the road from my house. As my mum was telling me all I could hear in the background were sirens and I was terrified. She said when it had initially exploded she thought the windows were going to shatter because it was soooo loud. We were later to find out that some people had called 999 thinking that a plane had crashed because the bang was soooo loud.

Anyway, all was fine, my mum said that neither my brother or my dad had been near the explosion (the factory is near Birch Lodge where my dad is forever swimming and my brother is always fishing). So my mind was put to rest. Mother Wyatt also reassured me that the rabbits hadn't had tiny rabbit heartattacks on hearing the noise.

As is predictable, the first thing I did was to put a Facebook status out saying what had happened. I started getting all these replies back about how people were getting evacuated. OH LORD. This wasn't the case for us (at this point). The whole time though I just wanted to rush home and be there, make sure everyone was ok. I am one of those people who just hates second hand information.

Finished work at 10pm, Daniel had managed to get insured on his mum's car (one trauma over). THE BLOODY ROAD WAS SHUT. I had to convince the policeman to let me through, which involved some pretty embarrasing running. We parked the car up, in preperation to walk the final distance to my house, to get a phone call from my mum telling me that the police were there and that we were getting evacuated and that I wasn't allowed to take my rabbits. My Mum told me that the police lady insisted that the evacuation was merely a precaution and that they would be fine, however, her and my Dad were taking the dogs. OH YEAH. LEAVE THEM THEN MOTHER IF EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. FUCK THE RABBITS, WE'LL HAVE A STEW TOMORROW IF ANYTHING HAPPENS.

Well, that was it, the flood gates opened. TEARS. TEARS. TEARS. I was absolutely terrified. Despite me being highly hormonal, it just made me realise that I am the most materialistic person EVER. All I could think about was all my stuff and how much I just wanted to get my rabbits and make sure they were ok. Daniel (poor lamb) was trying his best to try and calm me down, but in my anger all I kept saying was "Well, I'm going to sue the fire brigade, the factory and my mum if anything happens to Marley and Corrigan." HA! Why would I sue my Mum???? Ha!

Anyway, my Mum managed to grab Ted and some clean knickers for me. So life calmed down pretty much as soon as that happened. Daniel also treated me to Cheesey chips and garlic bread on the way back to his house, and life always seem better when that happens.

We found out the next day that over 100 firemen helped to put the fire out. CRAZY. This all happened in Birch Vale, where even the Post Office shut down because no-one lives there and is the most boring place in the world.

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