Tuesday 22 December 2009

Well 2010 is going be shit hot.

-Marina and the Diamonds at The Deaf Institute (Daniel has been given permission to maul her....well she is on his list).

-Scotland Holiday in Feb
-Driving test

-3 year Anniversary in March with the fabulous Daniel Cole (only another 7 until our Tom Jones/Las Vegas trip).

-POSSIBLY (if I get in) starting ANOTHER three year course in Mental Health Nursing.

-Holiday with the Liverpool guys in June (replacing Glastonbury coz we were shit and too hung over to book tickets).

-AND, a reluctant Muse gig somewhere in 2010 as well. Wish I'm hoping will be just as much fun as Oasis was last year; an adventure that included me and Alice having a fight with a scally, seeing more male geninitalia than ever before, Matt getting lost, and generally having too much fun to actually remember the bands at ALL.

2009 wasn't a bad year, but it wasn't great. I mostly waited around for my life to kick start itself, getting fat, missing my friends and cementing the most important friendship in my life right now.



Tuesday 13 October 2009

Jim, please come and fix my life

At present I'm really struggling to figure out where I'm supposed to be going in life, or what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm slowly realising that maybe I'm not cut out to work in Care, or maybe it's just Learning Difficulties. This thought this making me doubt everything though? Does that mean I won't like Mental Health? Why can't life just be simple?

On top of all that, I'm in a job, dawdling along, making absolutely no money, paying back money I spent years ago, living with my parents. WHEN EVERYONE ELSE is moving up, growing up, moving on.

After three of the best years of my life I am right back where I was in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I (sometimes) love being back at home, but it literally breaks my heart to see all my friends becoming succesfull, moving out, getting cars, getting MORTGAGES! And I'm wiping bums, still can't drive, and will never be able to move out when I earn only £6.50 an hour.



Wednesday 7 October 2009

Crying over spilt plastic

Oh my lord. So basically, I have had the craziest weekend ever! Friday I am in work 2-10pm, the day starts off as normal. I cringe at my disgusting coloured hair, my dad makes me listen to 'James Morrison' on the way to taking me to work. Same old same old.

After a full week Daniel-less due to having no car (he'd put his beloved Stevie in for a general service), I was tres excited for him to get his car back and pick me up later that night from work. However, mid- medication time at work I get a phone call from him telling me that he had rang the garage and they told him that his car wouldn't be ready and would cost him over £300 to fix all the problems they found! The poor boys car is only worth about £500. So it was looking like Stevie is/was going to be scrapped. Well this little gem of information put a massive ki-bosh on the weekends plan of Liverpool/Joe/Rachael/Vintage Fair-ing/Gobowen-ing/House Warming/Aimee/Simon-ing.


I put the phone down praying that it wouldn't cost that much for him to get insured either on his mum's car or my mum's car.


However, my traumatic evening wasn't over. At roughly 7pm I got a phone call from my Mum telling me that there had been a massive explosion at the factory literally just down the road from my house. As my mum was telling me all I could hear in the background were sirens and I was terrified. She said when it had initially exploded she thought the windows were going to shatter because it was soooo loud. We were later to find out that some people had called 999 thinking that a plane had crashed because the bang was soooo loud.

Anyway, all was fine, my mum said that neither my brother or my dad had been near the explosion (the factory is near Birch Lodge where my dad is forever swimming and my brother is always fishing). So my mind was put to rest. Mother Wyatt also reassured me that the rabbits hadn't had tiny rabbit heartattacks on hearing the noise.

As is predictable, the first thing I did was to put a Facebook status out saying what had happened. I started getting all these replies back about how people were getting evacuated. OH LORD. This wasn't the case for us (at this point). The whole time though I just wanted to rush home and be there, make sure everyone was ok. I am one of those people who just hates second hand information.

Finished work at 10pm, Daniel had managed to get insured on his mum's car (one trauma over). THE BLOODY ROAD WAS SHUT. I had to convince the policeman to let me through, which involved some pretty embarrasing running. We parked the car up, in preperation to walk the final distance to my house, to get a phone call from my mum telling me that the police were there and that we were getting evacuated and that I wasn't allowed to take my rabbits. My Mum told me that the police lady insisted that the evacuation was merely a precaution and that they would be fine, however, her and my Dad were taking the dogs. OH YEAH. LEAVE THEM THEN MOTHER IF EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. FUCK THE RABBITS, WE'LL HAVE A STEW TOMORROW IF ANYTHING HAPPENS.

Well, that was it, the flood gates opened. TEARS. TEARS. TEARS. I was absolutely terrified. Despite me being highly hormonal, it just made me realise that I am the most materialistic person EVER. All I could think about was all my stuff and how much I just wanted to get my rabbits and make sure they were ok. Daniel (poor lamb) was trying his best to try and calm me down, but in my anger all I kept saying was "Well, I'm going to sue the fire brigade, the factory and my mum if anything happens to Marley and Corrigan." HA! Why would I sue my Mum???? Ha!

Anyway, my Mum managed to grab Ted and some clean knickers for me. So life calmed down pretty much as soon as that happened. Daniel also treated me to Cheesey chips and garlic bread on the way back to his house, and life always seem better when that happens.

We found out the next day that over 100 firemen helped to put the fire out. CRAZY. This all happened in Birch Vale, where even the Post Office shut down because no-one lives there and is the most boring place in the world.

Monday 5 October 2009

Things you didn't know about...touring

I have been clearing out my old magazines, and I found this in a 2003 Kerrang and thought it was interesting.

1. During the latter days of The Stone Roses, the tension between John Squire and Ian Brown was symbolised by their seperate tourbuses. On Squire's bus, concaine was the drug of choice; on Brown's it was cannabis. More successfully, Outkast also have a weed bus for Big Boi and a weed-free bus for Andree 2000.

2. Freddie Mercury once wound down backstage after a gig; chucking an iron at a full-length mirror, because of a minor technical cock-up wit the show. "Some people can take second best, but I can't," he explained.

3. Bob Dylan's 'Never Ending Tour' which started in 1988, had taken 1562 shows by October 2003. The busiest year was 1999 (119 gigs), the slackest was 1993 (80 gigs). In 2000 he played 'Tangled Up In Blue' at 111 of 112 dates.

4. The manager of the Arosa Hotel, Manchester, before the Sex Pistols arrived, 9 December 1976: "I have booked them in for one night. They seem like decent people and I will expect decent behaviour from them". The next day, having thrown th band out the previous evening: "They were filthy and their language was filthy".

5. The Ramones were named after Paul Ramone, the name Paul McCartney used when checking into hotel on tour. Other guest book pseudonyms:
Hugh G Rection (Poisons CC Deville)
Phil S Stein (Robbie Williams)
Sir Humphrey Handbag (Elton John)
Peter Gunn (Eminem)
Chris Quest (Micheal Jackson)
Alotta Warmheart (Britney Spears)
Tina Modotti (Madonna)
Sid James (Rod Stewart)

6. The avoid having the audience ask for the old songs tehy didn't want to play ageless art- punk conceptualists Wire were supported on their 1987 US Tour by 'Ex Lion Tamers' a tribute band who would play the whole Wire's classic debut albulm 'Pink Flag' in sequence.

7. Before a gig in Rochester, New York in 1987, Vince Neil of Motley Crue was making a sandwich when he discovered that he'd been supplied with the wrong brand of mustard. Neil slammed the offending jar against the wall, severing tendons, nerves and an artery in his arm in the process. He had to have an eight hour operation and a month in a cast.

8. During their 1997-98 Brides to Babylon Tour, The Rolling Stones used $60,000 worth of confetti.

9. On a Fall tour of the US in the early 90's, an increasingly grouchy Mark E Smith divided the tourbus up with gaffer tape to create a clear and unbreachable boundary between the band and the crew. The crew responded by going home.

10. Drugs reportedley consumed by Primal Scream backstage at their homecoming Glasgow Barrowland gig in 1991: methadone, ecstacy, speed, magic mushrooms, cocaine and hash.

11. Some roadie speak:
BFH-Big fucking hammer
Flusher- A toilet connected to running water
Stage Turd- Clumps of used gaffer tape stuck to the bottom of shoes
Bus Factor- The degree to which bad movies improve due to extended bus rides
Germ- A fan.

12. While most musicians use their hands and boots to trash hotel rooms, Joe Walsh of coke addled Californian soft rock superstars 'The Eagles' preferred to use a chainsaw, doing a staggering £67,000 worth of damage to a single hotel room in the mid 70's.

13. Queens of The Stoneage 'Nick Oliveri' has been arrested twice on tour. The first was in July 1999 for getting into a punch up with Terrorvision because QOTSA were taking too long vacating the bands shared dressing room. The next time was in Jan 01 when he walked on to the stage in Rio de Janeiro naked and was seized by the police on a charge of corrupting minors.

14. Among the items on the rider of Christina Aguilera's 2000 US tour: soy cheese, Oreo cookies, chewable Vitamin C tablets, votive candles, Nesquik, 10 bottles of room temperature mineral water (not evian, a platter of gums and mints, dried cranberries and four packs of Carnation Instant Breakfast.

15. The Cure's Robert Smith suffered from a chronic fear of flying throughout the 1980s, but still insisted that the band travel in style. They went to the US on the QE2, and travelled to Venice on the Orient Express, racking up a £2000 bar bill every single evening.

Thursday 1 October 2009

The Devil Wears Topshop

Well if one good thing has come out of the recession is that Ebay is fab. I've bought some really good bargains from there recently, so proud in fact that I am going to share them with you. So just today this beautiful playsuit came through the post. In Topshop it RRP'd for £50, I got it for £5.99, I saw the same one on Nicola from Girls Aloud and thought it looked lovely on her.

(I have an obsession with playsuits, even though they are really impractical, especially when you go out drinking and wee more often than usual.) Second item I recieved last week is from the Kate Moss line at Topshop and I have never liked anything that she has done, but this is a lovely Paisley Smock that has gorgeous ballon sleeves. Love it. That should have been £60, but I got it for £15.00.

NEXT, I got a pair (finally) of the Aggie platform shoes from Topshop in black. I am completely obsessed with the idea of a pair of YSL Tribute shoes and these really look the boot version of them. I think they are £80 in the shop, these are brand new and I paid £55 for them. Ok, a little more expensive than the others, but I am literally never going to take them off.

So, on a scale of one to ten, how good have those purchases beeen???? I'd say fifteen. Now just to get rid of this crappy lilac patchy horribleness that is my hair, and life will be good again. Want to see????

VILE. I've washed it about six more times since this picture (no, im not joking). But the blonde will look fab and white once it has gone, and it will go, in days and maybe weeks, rather than months. So lesson learned, next time just put a bit on with my shampoo.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Love Nest for Two Please

So I just wanted to share this with you all. I was at work and I was really sleepy, so I decided to write some letters. I always do this, and hardly ever give the letters to the people they are addressed too, it's just my sort of way of getting things out.

This particular letter written to Daniel, describes my perfect flat/house that we will one day share together.

"To Daniel,

Good morning my love, I am struggling to stay awake and just dosed off in my sudoko book so I've decided to write to you instead (it's the second best thing to actually talking to you).

For future reference in our house I want us to have all white, old country mansion-style furniture. There will be mirrors, gold, silver everywhere, very regal. It'll be pretty an everything will be/ or look antique. In our bedroom I want to get that beautiful mirrored dressing table from Ikea, where I can lay out all my makeup neatly, with necklaces draped over the Antique mirror that is currently in storage, it's beauty going to waste.

In the kitchen we'll have a 1950's Grease style kitchen with all black crockery and cutlery, with special Cath Kidston cups, mugs, tea pots and little cake stands to put my failed baking attempts on. We can take it in turns to cook for each other each night, trying our hardest to make home cooked food when ever we can (maybe we'll buy the Pizza Bases this time though). We can make a habit of cooking Sunday dinner whenever we can affoird to buy all the trimmings. When I get up in the morning I won't wake you up reading, or pottering about, I can go downstairs and do my own thing. We can invite our friends and family over and we can have fancy dinner parties. We'll have a beautifully made up spare room where unexpected house guests can sleep, without having to rough it on the floor. We can get up in the morning, have breakfast together before heading off seperately to our high powered jobs. I love that you'll be there when I get back.

We'll have a lovely little garden around the back for Marley and Corrigan to play in (seperately obviously). Spot, Tiger-Lily, Iggy, Ike and Tina will have a lovely big round bowl placed upon a fancy stand, where they can swim around to their hearts content. When we get settled, we can buy ourselves a little Chow puppy and call it baby. Then when we retire (to the cottage with the stream running through the garden) we can get Penelope pig. We'll train her like a dog and she will be the cleverest pig around.

In the living room we can have a huge burgundy/red/brown corner couch that we can snuggle on, play Wii and have 'Rock Band' practise. We can set up our Ikea Dave Laptop tables side by side, where we can play World of Warcraft simultaneously. The wallpaper will be a lovely vintage floral print or that one with the insects on that we saw on 'Grand Designs'. Candles will be placed all around the room, with films on shelves. Collectively we will own the greatest Film Collection known to man, your Studio Ghibli, my Friends, Sex and The City, House and all my tragic Oxfam videos.

In the spare room there will be a magnificent white framed day bed decorated with all the cushions that my mum made me. One wall will just be book shelves (made by Joey...obviously). All my books will finally be in one place and on display for all the world to see. Because I doubt all my clothes will fit in our room, it'll be in this room that I keep my clothes, shoes, bags and jewellery, everything will be nicely set out and perfect for 'outfit picking'. There will be no need for pooey drawers because everything will be on hangers.

I don't care much for Bathrooms, so ever so kindly of me, I'll let you plan this room. I'm guessing that'll include an Xbox with Xbox Live in the bath, fully fitted with waterproof controller. Perhaps maybe a little secret compartment to keep all your KitKat chunkys in.

Maybe one day soon my love.

Love you now, and forever.


Monday 28 September 2009

Playground Politics

So a group of children are playing football near to a building, they start getting a little bit silly until someone kicks the ball too hard and smashs a window. All of the children run off. The next day, all the children are running around the school blaming one another. One child even has the audacity to blame the 'rules of the playground', he believed that because they were allowed to play football it means that they are not responsible when inevitably something bad happens.

SOUND FAMILIAR? Well thats because that is exactly what our politics are like in Britain today.

I'm sick to the back teeth of these silly people (who we apparently decieded to let run the country). You only have to listen to the news, watch Question Time or read the newspaper to realise that yes problems have been made. Britain is a very forgiving country when it comes to people making mistakes. However, what we find hard to allow is when no one stands up and holds there hand up and takes the blame. WHOS FAULT IS IT THEN?

The Government would have you believe that we live in a time of democracy. BALLS. In 2003 I joined the Tofts in London on a march against the war in Iraq, along with the other million people in London that day we didn't believe that a full blown war could be justified for the reasons that our and the American goverment were giving. In London, and hundreds of other cities around the world people marshed (might I add, peacefully). Were we listened to? OF FUCKING COURSE NOT. Same has happened with the Lockerbie Bomber...'Oh yeah, lets release this man on compassionate grounds'. You have to be stupid to believe that they would release a man who was responsible for killing 270 people merely because he was dying. COME ON. How thick do these people think we are????

I'm tired of it. And I'm only 22. I here my Dad talking about it all and it just makes me think that things just aren't going to get any better. I think the only thing that creates hope for us, is that glorious man in America, Mr Obama. Hopefully we will get our heads from up our own arses long enough to realise that we are inevitably set to self destruct politics wise.

Just like Jerry Springer, Rebecca is going to have her final thought for the day. The news the other day was commenting on how Gordon Brown had been snubbed by Mr Obama at the Summit. WELL. Just think about this, maybe Mr Obama (Brown by name, Brown nosing by nature) believes that his role as an influential figure in World Politics isn't just to create a 'photo opportunity' and play on his public image, he's more concerned with doing something about Global Warming (which is why the summit was organised wasn't it!?). Britain plays on this 'friendship' they have with America and reference it constantly. Do you ever see/hear it in America??? No.

Fortunately Britian you haven't been kicked out of the sandpit. You were never in the sandpit. Your still just playing with your imaginary friend (who strangely resembles George Bush?!).

RANT OVER. Next blog, something a little lighter. A little description of my dream house.
Night kids.