Tuesday 23 February 2010

You stick to your yoghurts, I'll stick to my apple pie

Starting from the logical beginning of this tale, I started 2010 with an interview for a job I really seriously thought I would never get. The job is a Nursing Assistant in a Medium secure unit, working alongside offenders who are suffering from Mental Health issues. MAJOR career opportunity, plus it's in the NHS (and yes I know, this next statement makes me about 45 but here goes), which has a great pension scheme which I can start investing in.

Anyway, I nervously went to have a look around a few days before my interview (a trick I learnt would help in getting jobs... the hard way). Anyway couple of days later I had the interview and they offered my the job on the spot. WAS DEAD CHUFFED. So I have yet to start this job what with Occupational Health checks (which my Mum informs me will include chest scans and Hepatitis jabs eeek) and CRB forms.

Then early Febuary I finally passed my driving test and became a fully fledged driver. This time tomorrow I will have a fully MOT-ed, insured and taxed car for me and Joe to drive around. This will defo help with me starting my new job as it's in Prestwich which is on the other side of Manchester. So the life plan so far is slowly starting to fall into place, even if it is a year slower than I would have hoped. Next on the agenda, pay off debts and move out. I'm starting to settle down into that next step taking a while, I want to move to City centre Manchester, live in a nice flat/house with nice things inside, and if it takes me a while to get there then so be it.

I've just had Sky plus installed in my room (Shameless should by my calculations, be being recorded as we speak), so I've kinda accepted that I will be at my Mum and Dads for the foreseeable future, and for now, thats ok with me.

The change of luck happened a couple of days ago when me and Daniel were simultaneously struck down by the 'Scotland cold', which has now resulted in a face full of aids. I am willing to take one for the team if I can be ensured that the rest of my year will continue as it has started.

P.S. For all that care, my beloved children Marley and Corrigan have been reunited in a most suprising and potentially deadly way. They had been seperated because Teenage angst had set in and the poor testosterone filled bunnies began fighting. Mother rabbit decided to try to diffuse the situation and remove their 'manhood', this was expensive and didn't even work. So what was thought to be a permanent thing, they were seperated to their very own layer of hutch each. HOWEVER, yesterday I went out to feed them to find both bunnies cosied up to one another! I was crapping my pants, there was evidence of a bit of a scrap (bunny fur EVERYWHERE), but with no actual injuries (just a few balding patches on their bums), they looked to now be the best of friends again.

RESULT. The £150 castration fee paid off then. Yeay.


  1. This peice is so well writen, I too live at home with the rents and am dying to move to London as soon as I can save enough up! Keep up the good work...

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